Spring Cleaning For Your Mind + Body

Spring is widely known as a time to detox, clean / organize your home, and “begin again.”

There is spiritual significance to Spring renewal, but today we’re focusing on the benefits of de-cluttering your mind, your home or office space, and your body.

Top 6 “Be Healthy” Tips For Spring Cleaning

Clear Your Mind + Boost Your Mood

1. Pay attention to your self-talk.

It can be easy to let negative thoughts slowly creep in and begin to cause feelings of self-doubt, guilt, and overall feeling down or defeated. The good news is you have the power to shift your thoughts into being more positive by simply paying attention.

Notice when you hear those negative voices and have a mantra or affirmation that can turn it around.

It’s not worth your time or energy to put up with those negative thoughts.

2. Put pen to paper.

Get back to writing in your journal letting the thoughts just flow. Write down daily affirmations or mantras that help you shift your perspective into a more positive and productive outlook.

3. Protect your energy.

It’s important to pay attention to and protect your energy. What activities or even people drain your energy levels, making you feeling tired or exhausted? And conversely, what activities or people increase your energy in a positive way?

See if you can note those things that drain you and then avoid or change them in any way as to protect your energy levels throughout each day. This will have you feeling better than ever without much effort.

Your Home / Space (I highly recommend The Healthy Home book from Dr. Wentz)

1. Clear the physical clutter.

When there is a lot of clutter laying around your house or office, it’s actually more difficult to think clearly. If you work from home, it’s important to have a space that is clear and dedicated to working. Otherwise, household distractions can cause an unclear and unproductive mind.

2. Plan or join an organizing challenge.

Choose 1 drawer, closet, or space to organize and clean out each day in April. There are challenges you can follow or create your own. This will help you do some spring cleaning, organize donations you’ve been meaning to send, and keep you motivated as you compartmentalize the bigger task.

3. Clean the air with house plants.

Opening up your windows is a great way to air-out the home of stale air and toxins built up over the winter. In addition, house plants can really help, too. Spider plants are known to be excellent air-fresheners.

Your Body

1. Drink 100 oz of water per day.

Water is one of the best and fastest ways to begin to help your body flush toxins. Try 100 oz of clean water for 5 days and you will notice a significant difference in your energy, mental clarity, and skin.

2. Move your body.

Sweating is another excellent way to rid your body of toxins. Moving your body is important to keep your blood flowing to all vital organs, delivery nutrients and oxygen along the way. Sweat is one of your body’s natural ways of cleansing toxins from organs and cleaning your skin.

3. Add in good to crowd out the bad.

When talking about food, one of the best ways to approach cleaning up your diet is to put your focus and efforts into adding in more good foods in order to crowd out the bad. When you fill up first with your fruits and veggies, your body will [over time] naturally stop craving the not-so-good foods.

Not by accident, all of these areas [mind, space, body] affect the other. When you work on improving one, it positively impacts the others.

Be Healthy…Be Happy…Be Strong

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About the Author:

Debbie Stevenson is a leading nutrition and whole living expert teaching people around the world not just how to live well, but how to become the absolute best version of themselves. As a certified health coach, blogger and successful entrepreneur, cultivating the ideal lifestyle isn't her passion; it's her life. Find more of her free recipes, wellness tips and inspirations on Facebook.

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