#BanBusy This Holiday Season‏

Here is a very special post for you today.

We’re gearing up for my favorite SexyFit™ Nutrition Challenge of the year. At SexyFit™ HQ we love to plan challenges around times that we know are the most impactful for our participants, but us, too!

Fall has officially hit many parts of the world, school is back in session, you’re getting back into a somewhat normal routine, but everywhere you look there are pumpkin-flavored treats that keep sneaking into your day.

You’re working hard to stick to your workout routine and meal-prep, but the fall seems busier than ever. Chances are you might be feeling like you could use a little extra help managing stress and your to-do list.

Let’s #banbusy, during one of the most “busy” times of the year.

Canadian Thanksgiving just passed, Halloween is around the corner, then US Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years, and then suddenly it’s 2016 and you feel exhausted and are thinking…..

What just happened?!

When our schedules fill up, we tend to forget to take care of ourselves. We don’t eat right, workout as much as we’d like, or get enough sleep. The result is we feel tired, cranky, stressed out and too busy.

The SexyFit™ Nutrition Challenge will actually save you time (and money) and increase your energy for when you need it most (during the holidays!).

While you are scurrying around you can sip your yummy nutrimeal shake without stressing about when you will get to eat — or WHAT you will eat.

You won’t feel famished,irritated, or stressed. You’ll feel awake, focused, and vibrant.

During the challenge, you will learn about the mind-body connection and some of the best self-care and stress management techniques in the world of wellness. Strategies that you can actually implement and feel the difference.

By the mid December, you’ll feel like your world is in control, you have confidence in how to eat healthily, manage travel or stressful/busy weeks throughout the year, and most importantly, feel healthier than ever.

Registration is officially open and your Prep Week will begin November 7th! Click HERE to read all about the challenge and register.
Be Health. Be Happy. Be Strong.

Debbie Stevenson


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About the Author:

Debbie Stevenson is a leading nutrition and whole living expert teaching people around the world not just how to live well, but how to become the absolute best version of themselves. As a certified health coach, blogger and successful entrepreneur, cultivating the ideal lifestyle isn't her passion; it's her life. Find more of her free recipes, wellness tips and inspirations on Facebook.

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