I’ve been writing on this blog for over 6 years and many times I meet people who have been reading my posts for awhile who say, “I feel like I’ve known you forever!”.

I’m so glad to hear that; I try hard to write these blog posts like I am talking to my best friends – and I am! I think of everyone that follows me and my community as one big happy, healthy, strong family.

The next question I usually hear is one about my personal life, which is exactly what would happen if you were wanting to get to know someone better. I think that’s just human nature. So today I am giving you 22 things you probably don’t know about me so we can get to know each other a little better.


(in no particular order)

  1. I couldn’t write a creative essay if my life depended upon it (good thing I have a daughter that can!)
  2. 80% of my wardrobe is black & white, even though my favorite color is green.
  3. In college, I majored in Mathematics/Computer Science and minored in Business.
  4. I’m an animal lover – yes, I’m the person that stops and picks up injured animals on the side of the road and takes them to the veterinarian (my husband still isn’t used to this after 28 years)
  5. I had my first child at age 36 and my second one at 45 (Surprise! You just never know what wonders life will bring)

  6. I am a deeply faithful person and believe everything happens for a reason.
  7. I’ve completed 9 triathlons – no I didn’t win, just wanted to prove to myself I could do it.
  8. I LOVE dark chocolate and keep some in a secret hiding place in my house…
  9. I strongly dislike scary  movies. I love the Food Network cooking shows and DIY shows. (secretly hoping to pick up some creative talent)
  10. Playing tennis is my second passion and a big reason why my health is so important to me.

  11. I believe in KARMA and that everything we do and say counts – even when there’s no one around to see it.
  12. I am the youngest of three born in 4 years and my siblings STILL think of me as “the baby”.
  13. I consider myself mostly vegetarian but like to eat organic meat occasionally when the craving hits- usually a buffalo burger.
  14. I LOVE music – Josh Groban, Eagles, Zach Brown Band, Jimmy Buffet
  15. I am a creature of habit and make my bed most every morning. I’ve even been known to make it at night on the rare occasion it doesn’t get made in the morning. I know, weird!)

  16. I just completed the Whole Foods Plant Based Nutrition certification from Cornell University. I sign up for one class/course/certification every year to increase my knowledge on health and wellness to help both myself, my family and you, my community.
  17. I rarely drink hard liquor but when I do, my drink of choice is a Gin & Tonic with Tanqueray.
  18. I’m afraid of heights but I met this head on by participating in a 40′ high rope course (Yes, my legs were shaking the whole time!)
  19. I have always been a night owl. I would love to stay up every night until the early morning hours with a glass of wine, Manchego cheese, and warm French bread. But all of those things wreak havoc on my body and my health. Hence, I consume them rarely and most nights I’m in bed by 11pm.
  20. I’m a barista once a week giving back to my son’s school. I love working there. It’s like the Cheers Bar – making coffee drinks of choice as people walk through the door, being entrusted with life’s ups and downs, and sometimes even helping out with challenges.

  21. I started my career working for a large computer company as an engineer and worked my way up to engineering manager handling some of their largest customers. I traveled domestically and internationally and loved it. However, I didn’t like the 80+ hour work weeks, limited vacation time, and limited time with my family. So now I work for myself from my home office – usually in my tennis clothes – every day, take vacation when ever I want, make as much money as I want to work, and have more time with my family.
  22. I’m the one of the leaders of a group of entrepreneurs who share my belief that it’s possible to leave Corporate America behind and become more successful working for yourself. If you’ve ever wanted to be in business for yourself, check us out here.

Love from Colorado!

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About the Author:

Debbie Stevenson is a leading nutrition and whole living expert teaching people around the world not just how to live well, but how to become the absolute best version of themselves. As a certified health coach, blogger and successful entrepreneur, cultivating the ideal lifestyle isn't her passion; it's her life. Find more of her free recipes, wellness tips and inspirations on Facebook.

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