Get My Free Webinar 2016-11-21T13:18:13+00:00

Get My Free Webinar

Live Well International Create a Life You Love and a Life that Works

Play with Possibility
Catapult Your Income


Sign-up below to receive your link to our FREE webinar on creating a life (and business) you love.

What is the “Create A Life You Love” Webinar?


Live Well International Create a Life You Love and a Life that Works

It’s a FREE crash course on how to live your way into the life (and bank account) you were meant to have—without compromising your values, your relationships, your health, or any of the juicy stuff that truly matters.

As an entrepreneur, health & prosperity coach, speaker and author, Carmen Marshall has learned a lot about what it takes to create a life that’s filled with vibrant health, solid wealth, and true purpose—the fun + conscientious way.

This exclusive audio and video workshop will teach you the principles you need to know to be financially free, love what you do, and be energized by your life each and every day.

In just 45 minutes, we’ll take you from zero to sixty on:

  • The one really important truth about money and cash flow that no one’s told you yet (the golden, sparkly shiny key you must understand)
  • Why residual income is the goal—and exactly what to do to create it (Hint: Ever heard of network marketing? It’s everything you thought it wasn’t—and more.)
  • How to turn your love of helping others into a wildly hot, successful business
  • How seeking out ethical, positive people can drastically improve your bottom line
  • How to build a supportive team that will keep you motivated, energized, growing and LIT UP.
Are you ready? Enter your email above and we’ll instantly send you our FREE webinar on creating a life (and business) you love.