3 Ways To Easily Improve Digestion + Recipe!

I’m so excited!

I recently got back from 6 days on an Education/Nutrition Retreat at Sanoviv Medical Institute. It was amazing! I learned so much more about healing the body, mind, and spirit from the inside out with great nutrition and high quality supplements. And I want to share it all with you! So my next few blogs will be just that – how you can heal your body from the inside out, why you should stop dieting and why, and why your gut is called your second brain.

What is Digestive Wellness?

Did you know that 85% of Americans experience digestive issues? A lot of these issues come from eating the Standard American Diet (SAD). You know, the fast food, processed food, cakes, cookies, soda, chips, food additives, etc.

white cake






True health comes from the body’s ability to digest foods completely and eliminate waste naturally. So if your body is not digesting, absorbing and assimilating food into your body properly, you may be one of those people with digestive issues. People used to say “You are what you eat”. But it really comes down to “You are what you digest”. You could be eating high quality foods and supplements, but if they are not being digested and absorbed properly into your system, your body is not getting the benefit of your good intentions.

So where does digestion begin?

It begins in your brain. What happens when you walk into a friend’s house and she’s baking bread? There is nothing like the smell of fresh baked warm bread! Your mouth starts to water, you get a warm comforting feeling, and you can’t wait to try a piece, right?  Or how about when your dog starts drooling as he’s sitting next to you when you’re eating a juicy hamburger. Why does this happen? The thought of food sends a message to your salivary glands, which in turn secrete saliva in your mouth. The thought of this same food, whether it’s a hamburger or donuts, also sends a message to the pancreas to start creating insulin, which is your FAT storage hormone. Now for those of you that are looking to lose weight, don’t panic just yet. Read on…

3 Ways To Easily Improve Digestion

  1. Chew your food completely – 30-50 times per bite or until your food is most liquid. Chewing tells the stomach to create hydrochloric acid, the majority of the acid in your stomach that breaks down food.
  2. Teeth – your teeth are important to be able to chew. Also, the condition of your teeth and gums are one of the first signs your bodies health – good or bad. Bleeding gums are a sign of inflammation in your body that you should get checked out.
  3. Digestive Enzymes – as food passes into your stomach, digestive enzymes are secreted to help breakdown the proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. But if you are a fast eater or don’t chew your food well, the stomach may not be ready with the proper enzymes to breakdown the food. This can cause acid reflux. Additional digestive enzymes may be taken during or after a meal to help with this. Click HERE for the digestive enzymes my family takes. If you have problems digesting lactose, you can take these digestive enzymes with foods containing milk to help.

After the stomach, food moves to the small intestine. Did you know that 90% of ALL nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine? But when your villi (the absorption fingers) in your small intestines are damaged, big problems can occur. Let’s stop here today and leave this topic for the next blog – we will be talking about something called Leaky Gut, how this can cause many of the auto-immune diseases, and how to heal our gut.

Now that you have 3 ways to improve your digestion, I want to give you one of my favorite recipes from Sanoviv to try. Buenos Burritos with Coconut Cream. Kids love it! Husbands love it! And women love it! Bon Appetit!

Buenos Burritos

Makes 4 servings


  • 4 romaine lettuce or Napa cabbage leaves
  • 3 tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 cup cooked wild rice
  • ¼ cup chopped onion
  • ¼ cup chopped cilantro
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 1 avocado, mashed
  • 1 teaspoon unrefined sea salt
  • ¼ cup coconut cream(see recipe below)
  • ½ cup bell peppers, julienne
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil


  1. Mix tomatoes, onion, cilantro, lime juice and salt in a bowl.
  2. Sautee bell peppers in olive oil.
  3. Top each leaf with a ¼ of the wild rice.
  4. Then add the mixed vegetables, red peppers, avocado puree and coconut cream.
  5. Serve immediately and enjoy!
  6. Thank you Sanoviv!

Coconut Cream


  • ½ cup of coconut meat from a young coconut (or organic fresh coconut from Whole Foods)
  • 2 teaspoons raw honey
  • Water as needed for desired consistency.


  1. Place ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth and creamy.
  2. Add water if needed

*Both the above recipes are from the Sanoviv Recipe book.

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About the Author:

Debbie Stevenson is a leading nutrition and whole living expert teaching people around the world not just how to live well, but how to become the absolute best version of themselves. As a certified health coach, blogger and successful entrepreneur, cultivating the ideal lifestyle isn't her passion; it's her life. Find more of her free recipes, wellness tips and inspirations on Facebook.

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